Why Australians’ Borrowing Power May Soon Get a Boost

May 17, 2024 12:42:07 PM

As part of its focus on easing cost of living pressures, the Australian government has announced that all 13.6 million taxpayers in Australia will receive a tax cut on July 1 through the already legislated stage 3 tax cuts. In addition to this, households, small businesses and renters, amongst others, will benefit from a range of rebates aimed at easing cost of living pressures. While it’s good news for Australian taxpayers, tax cuts could also impact borrowing power, opening the doors for first home buyers and those looking to upgrade their home.

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Topics: Budget, Financial Advice, Tax Benefits

Top Budgeting Tips for First Home Buyers in Australia

Dec 9, 2023 9:52:45 AM

Over the past few years, property prices in Australia have skyrocketed in many regions, forcing some first home buyers to reconsider their home ownership goals. Without a big enough deposit or existing equity to leverage, it can be especially challenging for first home buyers to break into the property market. But it’s not impossible. Use these 5 budgeting tips to financially prepare for home ownership and set yourself up for success.

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Topics: Budget, First Home Buyer, saving tips

Get Financially Fit in 2024 in 5 Simple Steps

Dec 8, 2023 9:48:09 AM

With the new year in sight, there’s no better time to take control of your financial situation and prepare for the year ahead. Set yourself up for a financially successful 2024 by making a few small changes to how you spend and save, realigning your budget, paying down your debt, and resetting your financial goals. Here are five actionable tips and some practical advice to help you get financially fit in 2024.

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Topics: Mortgage Broker, Budget, Home Loan Advice

How to Navigate Your Fixed Rate Rollover

Jan 13, 2023 9:35:51 AM

Around two thirds of all fixed rate mortgages taken out during the pandemic will mature before the end of 2023*, with the remaining one third maturing in 2024. Most of these fixed rate borrowers will be making the tough transition to floating rate loans that are 3 to 4 per cent higher – essentially nearly double - than what they’re currently on. It’s inevitable that some households in Australia will face significant financial stress. Here are some tips on how to navigate a fixed rate rollover.

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Topics: Interest Rates, Budget, Financial Advice