5 Ways to Winter-Proof Your Home and Save on Energy Bills

Jul 21, 2024 11:01:00 AM

Winter in Australia can bring chilly weather, with parts of the country experiencing near-freezing temperatures. Turning up the heaters to stay warm can push up the power bills, and with the high cost of living that can really stretch the budget. Even though we're halfway through the season, there are still a few things you can do to improve your home's comfort and reduce your energy bills. Here are five ways to winter-proof your home and save on energy costs.

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Topics: Home Equity Loans, Refinancing, Health and Wellbeing

Repair Bad Credit and Improve Your Financial Position

Jul 19, 2024 10:56:00 AM

Bad credit can significantly impact your financial health, leading to higher interest rates on loans, difficulty securing credit, and even affecting your ability to get a mortgage. It happens when you miss repayments, default on loans, or make too many credit applications. Repairing bad credit is essential for gaining control of your finances and improving your financial position. Here are some actionable steps you can take to repair bad credit.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation, Bad credit, Financial Advice

What Happens To Your Mortgage When You Retire?

Jul 17, 2024 10:52:00 AM

A home loan used to set you up for retirement, but now many Australians face working beyond retirement age or retiring with significant mortgage debt. As home buyers get older and rising house prices and living costs require bigger mortgages, "forever loans" are becoming more common. This shift in how Australians view mortgages requires new strategies like rent-vesting or buying with family or friends, while financially preparing for retirement is essential in this challenging landscape.

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Topics: Retirement, Financial Advice, Home Loans

Is Now the Right Time to Refinance Your Home Loan?

Jul 16, 2024 10:52:34 AM

Australia’s borrowers have been given another reprieve, with the Reserve Bank of Australia leaving the cash rate on hold for a fifth consecutive board meeting in June 2024. With inflation remaining stubbornly high however, the RBA has retained the option of a further rate hike if needed. If you're considering refinancing your home loan, the process is simpler than you might think. Here’s a closer look at what’s involved in refinancing and how to know when it’s the right time to refinance.

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Topics: Refinancing Options, Interest Rates, Home Loans

Owning Property in a SMSF (Self-Managed Superannuation Fund)

Jun 17, 2024 8:45:00 AM

One of the reasons why SMSFs are the superannuation structure of choice for many Australians is the flexibility they provide to invest in assets not often available to members of larger APRA regulated funds, including industry and retail funds.
Larger super funds are certainly active in holding direct property assets however a member is unable to select a specific piece of real estate to hold within their account. This is where the SMSF comes into its own.

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Topics: Retirement, Superannuation, SMSF

5 Top Tips for First-Time Property Investors in Australia

Jun 15, 2024 2:08:00 PM

Australia's real estate market offers a wide variety of investment opportunities and the potential for strong returns. As a first-time property investor in Australia, making informed decisions about your investment is essential for a successful and profitable investment journey. To help you navigate the world of property investment for the first time, here are 5 top tips, from choosing the right property to managing your investment effectively.

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Topics: Property Management, Investment Property, Landlords

What Makes Australia the Top Destination for Expats

Jun 14, 2024 2:03:00 PM

Australia is consistently ranked as one of the most desirable countries for expatriates, and in a recent study by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Australia took out the top spot for professionals seeking to relocate internationally. Whether you’re looking to advance your career, enjoy a high quality of life, or find a safe and stable environment, Australia has much to offer those seeking a new way of life. Here are the top reasons why expats keep flocking to Australia to set down roots all over the country.

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Topics: Home Loan, Health and Wellbeing, Non-resident lending

3 Tax Deductions Under Closer Scrutiny by ATO in 2024

Jun 12, 2024 2:00:37 PM

The end of the financial year (EOFY) is fast approaching and this year, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) has highlighted it will focus on specific tax deductions that will receive closer scrutiny. As an Australian homeowner, property investor, or first home buyer, it’s essential to understand what these focus areas are and how to avoid making errors. To help you prepare for EOFY, here are three tax deductions under ATO scrutiny in 2024.

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Topics: Financial Year End, Australia tax, Financial Advice

Beat the Winter Blues With These 5 Tips

May 19, 2024 12:53:00 PM

As winter season approaches, many Australians grapple with feelings of gloom and lethargy. The winter season can be especially challenging when it comes to mental health, and the shorter days and colder temperatures can seriously impact our mood. If you’re struggling to beat the winter blues and maintain your mental health, here are five effective tips to help you stay positive throughout the colder months.

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Topics: Health and Wellbeing, Winter Blues, Mental Health

Helping Homeowners Navigate Rising Insurance Premiums

May 18, 2024 12:50:00 PM

The Australian Insurance Industry has warned that insurance premiums will continue to rise as the frequency and severity of extreme weather events intensifies due to climate change. As one of the largest drivers of inflation, the sharp rise in home and car insurance premiums is a double whammy for homeowners already facing cost of living pressures. Despite these financial challenges however, it’s important not to underestimate the importance of maintaining sufficient insurance cover.

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Topics: Risk, Home Insurance, Climate Change